Split your income.
Anyway you want.
You control the flow.
Don't put all your ETH in one basket.
Divide and conquer a better financial life.
🧑‍🏫 Let's review
some smart contract basics
* A smart contract has an address
* Your wallet has an address
* A smart contract can receive funds
* and execute some code in response
wait what?
Can a contract automatically
distribute all income for you?
TxSplitter will help you with that!
TxSplitter will let you create special ethereum addresses (smart contracts)
that will automatically split all ETH they receive
and the split will just happen, without your intervention.
So you can split your ETH without paying the gas for it.
Safer. Faster. Cheaper.
👨🏻‍💻 How I'm gonna use it:
With all the ETH I may recieveth:
50% to my Coinbase
25% to my Girlfriend's Coinbase
25% to my Metamask
I will never have to pay the gas to distribute my income!
Possible use cases:
for DAOS
for teams of freelancers
for business partners
for personal saving accounts
to donate a bit to a charity!!
And you won't have to pay the gas for all future distributed transactions!
Thank you
for scrolling
so far!
I did this the first week of August 2022. I had a lot of fun and learned more than ever.
Special s/o to the ERC20 integration help I had from Ethercluster. Everything is better with friends.
For this project I used TailwindCSS and framer-motion more than ever before.
Also wagmi, RainbowKit, react-three-fiber, use-boop, use-sound, react-hot-toast...
If you liked something here and you want to know how to do it, please lmk. I'm always open to do some coding sessions and help you when possible!
Thank u to all developers who inspired me to keep learning. Your example and all you've shared through the years have completely change my life. To name a few: Miguel Piedrafita, Wes Bos, Josh W. Comeau and Bruno Simon.